Monday, February 9, 2009


sam's blog I like sam's answer of assignment#3 because she said theres going to be cars that run on electricity and not on gas and that allready started a bit and she said theres going to be a black priminister and a gil priminister and also a girl president. I think those ideas are really good:) .

jordie's blog I liked what Jordie wrote on assignment#4 because he said there might not be any rules and ther might not be a priminister of canada and i think canada will be a disaster if theres not rules and if theres no priminister. So thats why i like what Jordie wrote


Shauna Pollock said...

Hi Andi,

Good responses. Don't forget, I'm looking for information about three of your peers' blogs.

Also, don't forget to use uppercase letters to begin sentences and capitalize proper nouns (names...)

andi.m said...

Ok Miss Pollock